T emplate valid an important consideration for us to do on our blog templates to facilitate the process crawled by spiders bots on our blog.
Validity is arranged to be easily understood by the machine or bots in the reading sequence of code in our blog and of course, the validity is supported by human convenience also in understanding the meaning of the markup code that is regularly enhanced to create something better and easier of course. We often find paid or free templates that may be due to a slight error or old template that no longer compatible with the new rules in the HTML markup of the current.
So to get the most important for us to check and make improvements as necessary in order to produce a better template and comfortable translated by machine and humans. Well, to start the mission validitasi our blog template, please follow the instructions below.
Markup Validation To check the validity of an html code, we can use the Markup validation tool provided by W3C . The way we simply tick all the important options such as Clean up Markup with HTML-Tidy which serves as an example of code to replace the advice blog template code that experiencing html error in the checking in order to be valid.
When we find a more appropriate advice from the results of these checks, we can immediately correct it and then we check again whether is valid or not. Before we edit our blog template helps us back up first by downloading our templates for backup in case of an error which resulted in the template we are getting an error. Please go to http://validator.w3.org/ to try it.
CSS Validation To give the impression and design blogs we must use CSS. CSS itself is also not devoid of errors, thereby reducing the validity of our templates in the current CSS code format. It also affects the crawl on our template. To facilitate this process, it is important we also validate and repair if there is an error on our template CSS. Please do CSS Validation through http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/ . Besides Validation of HTML and CSS, we can also do some other validation tools available on the W3C
Validation as validation for a feed and a mobile version of your blog or site. To validate the blog feed we can do it in http://validator.w3.org/feed/ and to the mobile version of the blog we can do in http://validator.w3.org/mobile/ Good luck